Donate by Check​
Make checks payable to "Fund for the City of NY" and make sure to write "for Stonewall CDC" on the memo line.
​Mail to:
M. Napolitano
FCNY for Stonewall CDC
121 6th Ave. 6th Fl.
New York, NY 10013

A DAF can help reduce taxes in those years where income may be higher due to a bonus or a positive economic event. Also, you can gift appreciated securities.
Where a DAF can have advantages is, you see the tax advantage immediately but can wait to allocate it to charities. Most major investment firms manage DAF accounts and will make available various investment vehicles to allow your donation growth potential prior to its ultimate distribution.

Qualified Charitable Distribution
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a nontaxable distribution made directly by the trustee of your IRA to a charity. This donation is not deductible, but rather Tax Free.
In effect, you request your IRA custodian to pay your Required Minimum Distribution directly to the charity of your choice. Instead of adding the RMD to your taxable income and making a charitable donation, you direct the RMD directly to the charity and avoid taxation all together.

For donors with appreciated stock, there are three key benefits to making a direct stock donation:
1. Donors save on taxes
By donating stock rather than selling it, donors avoid paying a capital gains tax. A capital gains tax is a tax on the profit made from the sale of a non-inventory asset like stock. Depending on the filer’s marital status and income, the federal minimum for a capital gains tax is as high as 20% on long-term holdings (for example, stock held for more than one year).
2. Donors can take charitable deductions
If they donate long-term holdings (stocks held more than one year) and itemize deductions, donors can take a charitable deduction for the stock’s fair market value on the day they give it away. If their stock is currently at a higher value, donors can decrease future capital gains by donating stock and buying new shares. This resets the donors’ cost basis at the current, higher price and thus decreases their future capital gains difference as the stock grows in value.
3. Donors can give stock without changing their portfolio. After donating stock, donors are eligible to buy the same stock again within the day. This allows donors to make a powerful, tax-savvy gift while maintaining their stock portfolio, no matter the market. When giving stock, donors are exempt from the “wash sale” rule. This is important when giving stock at a loss. If they were to sell that stock, rather than donate it, the wash sale rule requires a 30 day period before they can repurchase that stock. This rule exists to keep people from selling at a loss, deducting the capital loss on the sale against the capital gain, and then immediately repurchasing the stock to maintain their holding. No such rule applies to stock donations.
To donate stock, DAFs, qualified charitable distributions or major gifts
contact Paul Nagle at pnagle@stonewallcdc.org or (347) 855-1502 or
Alexandra Akira Call (917) 532-6003 or write to aakira@curatepurpose.org

The Community
Properties Portfolio
A growing portfolio of donated, acquired and built homes, owned by the community, held in perpetual affordability and operated as a network, with efficiencies of scale and evolving designs for aging in place.

Host a House Party
Create a fundraiser by having a party in your home, Invite your friends and networks and introduce them to Stonewall CDC. You can get a tax deduction for the money you spend. We’ll supply you with a “Board buddy” and a veteran donor to the organization
to support you in planning and outreach. email or call Paul Nagle
(347) 855-1502