In addition to developing real estate, our mission includes supporting aging in place as well as educating and empowering the community to define its needs and to organize and advocate for appropriate solutions.
Stonewall Village NYC®

A virtual community with interactive technologies and off-line meet-ups and events designed to connect LGBTQ+ seniors to housing opportunities, aging in place supports, LGBTQ+-friendly services, events, skills-building, each other, and the growing movement for LGBTQ+-welcoming senior housing.
During the COVID-19 crisis, we are operating a network of virtual home pages for senior center partners who have had to shut down their facilities. We are providing full access to the platform, hosting their interactive meetings and events, and providing technical support and onboarding training for their administrators, facilitators and constituencies, at no charge.
Leave No Veteran Behind

My Brother's House and Stonewall Community Development Corporation have established the first of two new LGBTQ-welcoming residences for homeless veterans and their families in the Wakefield and Belmont neighborhoods of the Bronx.
In addition to stable, affordable housing, the nonprofits will offer counseling, benefits coordination, culturally competent support services to help residents recover from past traumas and rebuild their lives, and socialization opportunities with a vibrant LGBTQ older adult community.
The Community Properties Portfolio

Stonewall CDC Board Member Matthias Hollwich has proposed a unique model for providing affordable housing to LGBTQ older adults through a managed network of non co-located apartments and properties.
This concept most closely follows the model pioneered by Sonder of a portfolio of apartments located across many buildings, but operated and managed as a network, achieving economies of design and operation.
SeeYouLink Pilot

SeeYouLink allows computer-averse older adults and people living with mild cognitive, aural or visual impairments to participate in the digital world.
Click the button below to hear a 98 year old community member give her testimonial about her experience with this innovative software!